This Dog....
...Was originally named Edison.....
...Stole my heart completely one day from inside a kennel at the humane society.....
...Came from a insanely abusive home....
...Sadly understood the real meaning of hunger....
...Caused me to plead all day to Big Daddy to just go see him at the humane society and be interviewed so we could adopt....
...Made me have a plan B (a male friend was going to go and interview as Big Daddy) just in case Big Daddy refused to go for the interview....I still remember Big Daddy calling me at work and saying...."Get off a few minutes early and go get your new dog"
...Threw up all over my best friend on the way to his new home....
...Was named Chester after he became a member of our family....
...Belonged to the boy in this picture....
...Was TERRIFIED of storms....and could sense them coming at least 50 miles away. We also knew when a storm was coming by his pacing....
...Could open the back door to get inside our house...especially when we weren't home...
...Hated to be confined....and would tear the curtains off the wall if he got caught in the garage.
...Will forever have a doggie door in our garage (solution to the line above)...
...Would get on top all the new cars (Wormie's and Xbox's) the came into our driveway...maybe his way of Marking them....because he would always leave marks on the hood....aka Chester the Car Molester....
...Worshiped Molly, our mini dachshund. They were known as Molly Mae and Chessie Ray
...Caused Xbox to climb in his fort and stay for hours when Big Daddy would got mad enough to think about finding Chester a new home.....
...Caused several disagreements between me and Big Daddy...because Mom's always go to war for their babies!
...Had grown old here with us....and the fur on his face had turned almost completely white.
...Had surgery last summer to remove a growth....and we prayed it would not come back...but it came back and with avengence...
...Ate a rabbit...just last night. He and Molly would always chase the rabbits in the vineyard.
...will be greatly missed....but always remembered....
...finally got to go find his Molly Mae...once again...just this afternoon.
Rest is peace, Chessie!
I will miss your loving 'welcome home' greetings in the afternoons.
Thanks for showing us so many years of unconditional love.
I love you!