Toyota Ideas For Good - Football {click link}
Today I get an email from 2Shaye with this link..stating she had just seen this on TV. I am sure the meaning of her email was multifaceted. Let me see if I can get them all in the right order.
1 - Xbox Junkie is an AWESOME defensive back. He hits as hard as any player out on the field. It took half of the season for the coaches to even take notice. He plays with all his heart and soul (both of his sisters taught him well). During the game Big Daddy and I witnessed 2 extremely hard tackles...helmet to helmet on the last one. You know the kind. Big Daddy and I just exchanged glances but didn't say a word. Thankfully it was at the end of the game. After was all said and done...the trainer calls us to tell us that he is still shaky from the hits and didn't want him to drive.
Verdict....concussion, no practice, and not playing in the first round of state playoffs this Friday. After he's put his heart out there....he's benched.....and I couldn't be happier. And when Big Daddy responds as 'I know it' when I said 'I'm so glad he's not playing Friday night'....you know it is more than obvious that he doesn't need to be playing. I know the Xbox Junkie is not happy but he's got this awesome brain.....and we'd like to keep it that way! Wormie and 2Shaye have called him everyday checking in...we all spoil him rotten. He's our little guy...even at 6'2" ...and still growing. :)
2 - Medical profession - It's where 2Shaye is headed in some form or fashion.....and I wouldn't be surprised if sports somehow entered the career path along the way.
3 - Wake Forest University School of Medicine - she's always been the BIGGEST fan ever. AND just to think they're researching something that hit so close at home....made it an undeniable 'meant to be seen' video for all of us! And who couldn't appreciate the research efforts going on at WFUSM...my home away from home.
All of these were rolled up into one video that she found on TV...5 days after his concussion.
We love you #11!
We love football!
We LOVE to watch you play!
We just don't ever want to see you standing on the field...between plays....holding your own fingers up in front of your eyes to check your own vision....EVER. EVER. AGAIN! !
WAHOOO. welcome back.
that video was awesome. i was thrilled when i saw it and immediately googled it. :)
at first it said wfusm.. so my ears perked up then it came to research (the medicine part not the lab part)..and then football.
great commercial. too bad we don't own a single toyota. :( loveloveloveloveloveyou.
I second that! Watching #11 shake the cobwebs out of his head between plays is not something I care to ever witness again. However, I will add, he had an AWESOME game, we heard the Simmons name many times on the tackle.
Glad he's okay, he didn't come to see me today, maybe no headache? :-)
I have a feeling he will be the cutest "water boy" safe and sound on the sideline Friday night.
Wonder why he's rotten, we all love "Ryan (aka Bo) Simmons!
Oh no! Your baby boy!!!!!!!!!! Those things are nothing to mess around with!! I too am glad he's not playing Friday night......but I wish his team the best of luck!! Take care of him! I know you will.
P.S. WELCOME BACK! I've missed you!
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