...has been mine for over 30 years.
...has been a father for almost 23 years.
...loves his kids more than even he can explain.
...loves sports...especially when his kids are playing.
...is the original laundry nazi.
...loves Reese (one of our 3 dogs) even though he probably would not admit it.
...loves a good meal and a nice glass of wine.
...is a pyromaniac.
...loves it when his girls share his recliner with him.
...ultimate fights with the xbox junkie way too much...and never taps out soon enough.
...still misses softball.
...is a huge WFU fan.
...is now shorter than the xbox junkie.
...loves being at home.
...can't hear a dang thing...period.
...always says 'Hey baby!' when the girls call.
...knows that the simplest things in life are best.
...never forgets to tell me 'thanks' for cooking dinner.
...always washes the dishes when I cook.
...hates the grocery store.
...asks EVERY night.."have you heard from the girls today?"
...has a work ethnic that is unmatched.
...pouts when he's mad.
...rubs his feet together...constantly.
...never leaves home in the morning without saying to me 'Be smart, be careful and I love you"
...would stroke if he saw this blog....doesnt like getting kudos for just being him.
...never met a stranger.
...has a kind soul.
...is a wonderful husband and I probably take that for granted way too much.
...lives by the early to bed, early to rise rule.
...drinks grape juice with meals.
...loves to watch the horses run.
...prefers going without so he can give to his children...it's not a sacrifice to him.
...loves music...if we're home the outdoor speakers are constantly pouring out music.
...hates ... i mean HATES to paint.
...loves the hammock.
...is loved completely.
...is what a true soul mate looks like.
seriously.. made me cry. i love him so much. i love you so much. i love how apparent ya'lls love is for each other is. you show it every single day. i am thankful for you and dad. i am thankful for your relationship. :) i love this post!
How sweet...really! Isn't it wonderful to be in the *married for a long time club?*!! I'm thankful I'm we are both members!!!!!!!!
well dang!
i'm about to tear up.
Seriously - the sweetest thing ever!
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