It has been a rough month for Wormie's side kick....her car, Rhonda. Rhonda seems to have gotten into mischief a few weeks ago. Wormie's side of the story goes like this.... it appears that Rhonda MAY have gotten herself involved in a party that happened to get a little out of control where she lives. According to Wormie.... she went to bed early because she was tired from working a long shift at the hospital. Now keep in mind that Wormie can hear things that aren't typically heard by human ears...even when she's how she missed a party THAT LOUD....and going on in the SAME apartment pod that she lives totally inconceivable to me.....but I have to take her at her word. Right? ... Right! So anyway.....she goes down to her car the next morning about 11am...only to find that someone has tap danced on the hood. There is even this HUGE tennis shoe impression. She is furious...and immediately calls Big Daddy as she starts her investigation.... finds out from some of the people that live below her ...that there had been a huge party in their complex that night....and Rhonda wasn't the only car victim in the parking lot. It seems that the whole apartment place was bickering about the loudness of the party.....all while Wormie slept through the music that was loud enough to be heard around the world....and Rhonda getting abused. Im not saying...Im just saaaaying...... ????

THEN .... we assume totally unrelated to the dance incident or so we think......and before she even had a chance to come back home to grace our presence to have an estimate done for the break dance night....she calls on her way to work.... 'Something's not quite right w/ Rhonda....engine light....sounds funny....drives ok...etc'. We were afraid for her to drive it home from work or to school the next day... so a friend came to pick her up...and Big Daddy and I left early the next morning to see if we could get her car back home....or get it fixed down there... We decided to bring it home...and leave 2Shaye's sled for her to drive (which started a war...but Wormie needed something to drive...and the Burb just seemed overkill to leave with her..the rat is a stick and even tho she can drive it... maybe not all that well in city traffic......but OH MY would we even think about leaving Clark, 2Shaye's car named after Clark Kent because she's a superman freak, in an apartment complex where dancing on hoods of cars seems ok???..calm down's the RIGHT THING TO DO!). Anyway...We get to her place of employment to check out find... that she had driven Rhonda to work that night on a busy subzero degree weather (actually it was balmy 12 degrees that night) with less than 1/16th of a tank of gas..... GAHHHH... That wasn't her problem but it does nothing for my or Big Daddy's peace of mind...knowing she's living on the edge like this....she's breaking all the rules we gave her about keeping gas in her car....never let it get past the 1/4 tank...or never rely on the 'idiot light'....all that good stuff that I typically do but is totally unacceptable for her! anyways....we get her some petrol.....and drive her car home. It appeared that she was having issues with an idle control module....and we were ok to drive him back home....since more than likely it was only carbon build up. We were hoping that a good DNC of the module and it would be good to go...and it was.....for about 3 days..... then it all started over. We have ordered the parts...and hopefully she will be back in this weekend to get it changed out. At least it's an excuse to get her back home with us AGAIN this weekend! YAY us!
We love you Wormie...but baby please, please, please....keep more gas in your car...ESPECIALLY late at night and in freezing weather...and on a major highway..... You are worrying your parents into sleepless nights!! And 2Shaye...that goes for you as well!
And just HOW DID you sleep through such a loud music and a banging party that was going on right under you that night???? Just curious!
1 comment:
aggggghhh, I know that's so frustrating! Monique (my '92 camry) has had her share of issues too. But I must admit, I am horrible about keeping gas in my car.
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