Here's a chance to see how well you really know your husband. The real challenge is to send it to your husband to see how right you really are.
1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen? James Bond, action/drama movie, ballgame, ultimate fighting
2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? 1000 Island
3 What's one food he doesn't like? - asparagus
4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order? Food: He orders something different every time…always a gamble as he’s constantly looking for a new food adventure. Drink: Dr. Pepper
5. Where did he go to high school? East Surry
6. What size shoe does he wear? 11.5
7.. If he was to collect anything, what would it be? That’s hard…he culls everything out…doesn’t like clutter…but I’ll say cars because once we get one..he refuses to let them go…and they are NOT classics….only worn out ones that just sit there! Makes NO sense!
8. What is his favorite type of sandwich? Triple Decker Club or BLT..toss up.
9. What would this person eat every day if he could? Steak
10. What is his favorite cereal? Special K…he is his mom’s child.
11. What would he never wear? A kilt….anything else he could probably be talked into wearing.
12. What is his favorite sports team? Wake Forest
13. Who did he vote for? McCain
14. Who is his best friend? Must be Ryan….he’s the one that gets the other Wake basketball ticket MOST of the time.
15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? Me getting excited over little things that don’t really matter… he’s always saying… “what’s the most important thing…?.... NOT TO GET EXCITED”
16. What is his heritage? Im pretty sure he has German in his lineage.
17. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake? He would prefer a chocolate pie…hands down….but Chocolate pound cake if it has to be a cake.
18. Did he play sports in high school? Football… #70…offensive tackle…white cleats…Yelp we were high school sweethearts and I loved to watch him play!
19. What could he spend hours doing? Watching our kids play any sport.
20. What is one unique talent he has? He can remember all kinds of useless movie trivia and quotes.
Jump on in and take a stab at it!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Prayer Request
I just received a phone call ... from a close friend...about another close friend of ours....Ann Honeycutt. She was diagnosed with acute leukemia last May...went through extensive chemo....and was officially in remission early this past fall. Blood work from yesterday has revealed that her leukemia is active again. Please pray for her and her family. She has daughters that are friends and the same age as Wormie and 2Shaye and a great husband.
She is a fighter and a 'mean ole coot'...and yes that is a term of endearment..... but please, PLEASE remember her in your prayers.
We love you Annie Fannie!
She is a fighter and a 'mean ole coot'...and yes that is a term of endearment..... but please, PLEASE remember her in your prayers.
We love you Annie Fannie!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Hard Headed Child
Friday night was the first game in the Conference Tourney for 2Shaye. Her team was up about 20 points and the coach was running the starters in and out to give more of the bench some time in the game. 2Shaye happened to be in playing with about 2 minutes before halftime. She had missed a shot and went up for a rebound with 2 other opponents. When she came down her legs were undercut out from under her. Nothing intentional....just part of the game. She came down...along with the other 2 opponents.... hitting the hardwood ....hard with the back of her head....and it did make a nice echo. I was hoping that the sound didn't come from just her heading bouncing off the floor. She looked a bit dazed as she tried to get up...but made it to her feet pretty quickly. The refs went over to ask all of them if they were ok to resume play. 2Shaye stooped over and put her hands on her I pretty much knew at that point it was her noggin that had made the echo...because rarely does she give into the pain of the sport. I saw the ref motion for the coach...who walked came and guided 2Shaye back to the bench. I kept a watch out towards the bench...and at the half buzzer she was the first off the bench and into the locker room. A few minutes later, the coach came and told me to come check on her. I found her...after some one of the rooms in the locker room ... in total darkness with ice on her head and neck. She said the fall had caused a visual migraine but only in her peripheral vision. Sidenote: she does suffer from these visual migraine occasionally which usually turns into a full blown migraine withing 30 mins if meds aren't immediately taken at onset. It it like looking through heat vapors off a hot fire or asphalt road in August... everything is distorted. I have had a few of these and they are unnerving. Two of her coaches gave me the 'eye' telling me....better take her on in....for evaluation. But being hardheaded....2Shaye decided that she would work herself up towards the court and sit off to the side to see if the headache got better... but she was so sensitive to light she couldn't watch the game. She then told me when she first hit the ground and tried to stand up that it was like looking through 'black lint' and wasn't sure she could see the bench well enough to find it. Hence the coach coming to assist her..... I trump-ed her and insisted that we go get things checked out when her vision did not clear up as it will typically do..and she was looking a bit strange through the eyes. I found the Xbox Junkie and told him were going going to take her....he insisted on staying and watching the guys' game and we found him a ride home and left him ... only to win the half shot 50-50 shootout.....who would have thunk? Anyway he had a passel of guys coming over to hang out that night...and he was in fear that his plans would be interrupted if he left...that's brotherly love for ya ;) but in the end....his plans worked out ok. I also went to tell Sam what we had decided as he was in the stands peering down to where 2Shaye was sitting and I could tell by his expression he was concerned. He went with us we headed for a 'head check'. Since this was a 'head check' we got placed on the 'fast track' at the Emergency Room...which was nice since the place was PACKED! We even got her CT scan in quickly...... because unfortunately there were 2 folks coming in that was being considered Level 1 traumas.... one being a motorcycle wreck where it was overheard by 2Shaye that the patient had lost a tremendous amount of skin...and that was something I did not want to we got her in and out of the CT apparatus quickly. Doc said.... as we had suspected...that 2Shaye's CT showed nothing but Fluff in the cranial region! Just kidding 2Shaye.... FORTUNATELY her CT was clear but they said she did have a mild concussion. She has to take it easy for a few days then by Monday back to her normal activities. Her team plays a huge rival on Tuesday night....and I had already told her...I would not allow her to play unless we got things checked out because I know she will give it all she has on Tuesday...and no game is worth the potential of additional damage from a head injury. So she has been cleared for take off...... All of the Xbox Junkie's buddies adore 2Shaye anyway so they were all here making sure she was 'going to be ok for the Mt Airy game'. Its all about the game for these athletes, isn't it? After Sam left.....being a psycho-mom....I sent her to bed although that didn't take much convincing since she was still suffering from a headache.....and I crawled into bed beside of her to sleep and monitor her the rest of the night.
Big thanks to Sam....for always being there for her and being so helpful to us that night. It's so nice that you are always offering your help to all of us ...regardless of the situation....and always unprompted. We love you!
Thanks for all the calls and inquiries about has been incredible at the amount of folks that have called her/us to check on many, many thanks for your concerns!
Also ....Big'ole thanks to Sam's parents who offered to hang out with the Xbox Junkie and his entourage of friends after the game...and then for driving all the way to Winston to come find her. We actually had gotten out is such a quick time ...due to the fast track patient care...that we just ended up meeting them and grabbed a quick bite to eat. We almost declined the Big Daddy was afraid that the Xbox Junkie and his friends would tear the house down but we decided he would make the right decisions and take care of the homefront. He did call when were were about 2 mins from the house to inform us that one of the guys had hit his head over the basketball rim outside and was 'bleeding all over the place'. That's a nice feeling after what we had just gone through...but alas his buddy just had small scrape on the top of his head....but there was blood here and there! :\
All is well and #14 can hit the hardwoods on Tuesday unless she starts with more headaches....and I will bug up on her with MANY questions up until Tuesday she might as well expect some hounding between now and then! But she knows I'm psycho...and like a mama bear.... we love all of our bear cubs beyond words!
Big thanks to Sam....for always being there for her and being so helpful to us that night. It's so nice that you are always offering your help to all of us ...regardless of the situation....and always unprompted. We love you!
Thanks for all the calls and inquiries about has been incredible at the amount of folks that have called her/us to check on many, many thanks for your concerns!
Also ....Big'ole thanks to Sam's parents who offered to hang out with the Xbox Junkie and his entourage of friends after the game...and then for driving all the way to Winston to come find her. We actually had gotten out is such a quick time ...due to the fast track patient care...that we just ended up meeting them and grabbed a quick bite to eat. We almost declined the Big Daddy was afraid that the Xbox Junkie and his friends would tear the house down but we decided he would make the right decisions and take care of the homefront. He did call when were were about 2 mins from the house to inform us that one of the guys had hit his head over the basketball rim outside and was 'bleeding all over the place'. That's a nice feeling after what we had just gone through...but alas his buddy just had small scrape on the top of his head....but there was blood here and there! :\
All is well and #14 can hit the hardwoods on Tuesday unless she starts with more headaches....and I will bug up on her with MANY questions up until Tuesday she might as well expect some hounding between now and then! But she knows I'm psycho...and like a mama bear.... we love all of our bear cubs beyond words!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
me and my guys.....And James Bond
So this weekend was a continuation of a new trend at our house…..just me and my guys. It seems that we are gravitating to more and more weekends with just Big Daddy, the Xbox Junkie and me. Might as well get used to it…it is going to be the way of the future.
This was the latest weekend with me and my guys..... except the Xbox Junkie wasn't buying into our idea of entertainment.... although he and I did have a battle with guitar hero on Saturday night. He hung out with us some...but found other things to do and avoid the marathon that was taking place before his eyes. Poor guy!
After we returned home from 2Shaye and the Xbox Junkie’s games on Friday night, Big Daddy goes to his chair, grabs the remote and settles in. Our tastes in TV shows are on different ends of the entertainment spectrum….I am a HGTV addict and he loves….well…ESPN, the History Channel, the Travel Channel, Ultimate fighting, any Rocky movie, anything James Bond or any action movies similar to those…AND that he’s seen at least 1001 times. Once he settles in on his TV show selection of the night… ultimate fighting… .I sweetly turn to him and say as graciously as I can say it...."Baby I really don’t wanna watch that crap tonight…can’t you find us a James Bond movie or something else?” On a side note: I don’t mind a James Bond movie every now and then….especially if it’s Sean Connery…because I have always had a crush on him….from 007 to King Arthur…..I can watch him over and over. 2nd side note: Big Daddy and I even went to the movies afew months ago… my idea….to see Quantum of Solstice the latest James Bond movie… Sad part we went to the late, late show…and we both ended up falling asleep…. So we’ll definitely have to rent that when it comes out… Just glad we woke up before the movie was over…yelp we are losers! Ok..back to the real story…. So as soon as I let the James Bond movie suggestion out of my mouth…he went to his encore stations and low and behold… was a "BOND UNBOUND" weekend. He had hit the jackpot....and it was all my fault. So I decided at that very moment…I would not complain and I would just see how many 007 movies he could handle over the weekend. Now keep in mind that Big Daddy hates to sit around the house all weekend and watch TV unless its an ACC weekend….so in between times of his laundry chores, cleaning, working outside…he would come in and resume his position in front of the Bond Unbound channel. I kept busy …and didn’t say anything about the TV all weekend…but when he would sit down to watch…I would plop down too and act interested. I was thankful Wake played at home on Sunday afternoon because he and I went to th game and it gave us (errr me) a break from James Bond because on Sunday it more Roger Moore than my beloved Sean Connery. We came back home…. More BOND…. Until at 10pm …when I finally broke. I took control of the remote and turned it to HGTV…ahhhh! I did learn some trivia tho….before every movie they would give out movie trivia….. I will share SOME of the trivia I learned…most I have forgotten at this point…..goes back to being old….and will list the movies we watched in their entirety….needless to say we did not get through all 22 movies ..but he did give it a valiant effort. And of course…some we watched 2 times since the were running non-stop. It was hard to not double up since we were still trying to be productive around the house.
From Russia with Love
Live and Let Die
The Spy Who Loved Me
For Your Eyes Only
Dr. NO
Diamonds are Forever
On her Majesty's Secret Service
Licence to Kill
Jill St. John was first American citizen Bond Girl in a 007 movie.
The last James Bond movie seen by JKF before his death was From Russia with love.
James Bond is a Navy Commander.
Jane Seymour was a Bond girl.
Sean Connery made about 1.3 million as James Bond….unheard of salary.
Sean Connery bought the moon buggy in the Diamonds are Forever movie for 54K.
Paul McCartney wrote Live and Let Die for the movie.
Sean Connery wears a toupee in all the James Bond doesnt even matter...look at this picture....he's a fine secret agent!

The phrase ‘Bond, James Bond’ is one of the top 100 movie lines of all time.
There have been 6 actors who have played James Bond….of which the ONLY one For My EYES Only….is Sean Connery and he played in 7 of them. And as ‘active’ as James Bond is in the movies…no wonder they had to change out actors! So many bond girls….so little time.
There have been a total of 22 James Bond movies.
Dr. No was the first Bond movie in 1962
This was the latest weekend with me and my guys..... except the Xbox Junkie wasn't buying into our idea of entertainment.... although he and I did have a battle with guitar hero on Saturday night. He hung out with us some...but found other things to do and avoid the marathon that was taking place before his eyes. Poor guy!
After we returned home from 2Shaye and the Xbox Junkie’s games on Friday night, Big Daddy goes to his chair, grabs the remote and settles in. Our tastes in TV shows are on different ends of the entertainment spectrum….I am a HGTV addict and he loves….well…ESPN, the History Channel, the Travel Channel, Ultimate fighting, any Rocky movie, anything James Bond or any action movies similar to those…AND that he’s seen at least 1001 times. Once he settles in on his TV show selection of the night… ultimate fighting… .I sweetly turn to him and say as graciously as I can say it...."Baby I really don’t wanna watch that crap tonight…can’t you find us a James Bond movie or something else?” On a side note: I don’t mind a James Bond movie every now and then….especially if it’s Sean Connery…because I have always had a crush on him….from 007 to King Arthur…..I can watch him over and over. 2nd side note: Big Daddy and I even went to the movies afew months ago… my idea….to see Quantum of Solstice the latest James Bond movie… Sad part we went to the late, late show…and we both ended up falling asleep…. So we’ll definitely have to rent that when it comes out… Just glad we woke up before the movie was over…yelp we are losers! Ok..back to the real story…. So as soon as I let the James Bond movie suggestion out of my mouth…he went to his encore stations and low and behold… was a "BOND UNBOUND" weekend. He had hit the jackpot....and it was all my fault. So I decided at that very moment…I would not complain and I would just see how many 007 movies he could handle over the weekend. Now keep in mind that Big Daddy hates to sit around the house all weekend and watch TV unless its an ACC weekend….so in between times of his laundry chores, cleaning, working outside…he would come in and resume his position in front of the Bond Unbound channel. I kept busy …and didn’t say anything about the TV all weekend…but when he would sit down to watch…I would plop down too and act interested. I was thankful Wake played at home on Sunday afternoon because he and I went to th game and it gave us (errr me) a break from James Bond because on Sunday it more Roger Moore than my beloved Sean Connery. We came back home…. More BOND…. Until at 10pm …when I finally broke. I took control of the remote and turned it to HGTV…ahhhh! I did learn some trivia tho….before every movie they would give out movie trivia….. I will share SOME of the trivia I learned…most I have forgotten at this point…..goes back to being old….and will list the movies we watched in their entirety….needless to say we did not get through all 22 movies ..but he did give it a valiant effort. And of course…some we watched 2 times since the were running non-stop. It was hard to not double up since we were still trying to be productive around the house.
From Russia with Love
Live and Let Die
The Spy Who Loved Me
For Your Eyes Only
Dr. NO
Diamonds are Forever
On her Majesty's Secret Service
Licence to Kill
Jill St. John was first American citizen Bond Girl in a 007 movie.
The last James Bond movie seen by JKF before his death was From Russia with love.
James Bond is a Navy Commander.
Jane Seymour was a Bond girl.
Sean Connery made about 1.3 million as James Bond….unheard of salary.
Sean Connery bought the moon buggy in the Diamonds are Forever movie for 54K.
Paul McCartney wrote Live and Let Die for the movie.
Sean Connery wears a toupee in all the James Bond doesnt even matter...look at this picture....he's a fine secret agent!

The phrase ‘Bond, James Bond’ is one of the top 100 movie lines of all time.
There have been 6 actors who have played James Bond….of which the ONLY one For My EYES Only….is Sean Connery and he played in 7 of them. And as ‘active’ as James Bond is in the movies…no wonder they had to change out actors! So many bond girls….so little time.
There have been a total of 22 James Bond movies.
Dr. No was the first Bond movie in 1962
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Rhonda, Rhonda, Rhonda!!!
It has been a rough month for Wormie's side kick....her car, Rhonda. Rhonda seems to have gotten into mischief a few weeks ago. Wormie's side of the story goes like this.... it appears that Rhonda MAY have gotten herself involved in a party that happened to get a little out of control where she lives. According to Wormie.... she went to bed early because she was tired from working a long shift at the hospital. Now keep in mind that Wormie can hear things that aren't typically heard by human ears...even when she's how she missed a party THAT LOUD....and going on in the SAME apartment pod that she lives totally inconceivable to me.....but I have to take her at her word. Right? ... Right! So anyway.....she goes down to her car the next morning about 11am...only to find that someone has tap danced on the hood. There is even this HUGE tennis shoe impression. She is furious...and immediately calls Big Daddy as she starts her investigation.... finds out from some of the people that live below her ...that there had been a huge party in their complex that night....and Rhonda wasn't the only car victim in the parking lot. It seems that the whole apartment place was bickering about the loudness of the party.....all while Wormie slept through the music that was loud enough to be heard around the world....and Rhonda getting abused. Im not saying...Im just saaaaying...... ????

THEN .... we assume totally unrelated to the dance incident or so we think......and before she even had a chance to come back home to grace our presence to have an estimate done for the break dance night....she calls on her way to work.... 'Something's not quite right w/ Rhonda....engine light....sounds funny....drives ok...etc'. We were afraid for her to drive it home from work or to school the next day... so a friend came to pick her up...and Big Daddy and I left early the next morning to see if we could get her car back home....or get it fixed down there... We decided to bring it home...and leave 2Shaye's sled for her to drive (which started a war...but Wormie needed something to drive...and the Burb just seemed overkill to leave with her..the rat is a stick and even tho she can drive it... maybe not all that well in city traffic......but OH MY would we even think about leaving Clark, 2Shaye's car named after Clark Kent because she's a superman freak, in an apartment complex where dancing on hoods of cars seems ok???..calm down's the RIGHT THING TO DO!). Anyway...We get to her place of employment to check out find... that she had driven Rhonda to work that night on a busy subzero degree weather (actually it was balmy 12 degrees that night) with less than 1/16th of a tank of gas..... GAHHHH... That wasn't her problem but it does nothing for my or Big Daddy's peace of mind...knowing she's living on the edge like this....she's breaking all the rules we gave her about keeping gas in her car....never let it get past the 1/4 tank...or never rely on the 'idiot light'....all that good stuff that I typically do but is totally unacceptable for her! anyways....we get her some petrol.....and drive her car home. It appeared that she was having issues with an idle control module....and we were ok to drive him back home....since more than likely it was only carbon build up. We were hoping that a good DNC of the module and it would be good to go...and it was.....for about 3 days..... then it all started over. We have ordered the parts...and hopefully she will be back in this weekend to get it changed out. At least it's an excuse to get her back home with us AGAIN this weekend! YAY us!
We love you Wormie...but baby please, please, please....keep more gas in your car...ESPECIALLY late at night and in freezing weather...and on a major highway..... You are worrying your parents into sleepless nights!! And 2Shaye...that goes for you as well!
And just HOW DID you sleep through such a loud music and a banging party that was going on right under you that night???? Just curious!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Hello world...Wormie is 21!
I can not believe that Wormie is 21....where has the time gone?
Wormie came home this past weekend to spend her birthday w/ her parents.... actually I know she was probably more excited about getting new hair....low lights with red streaks....looks AWESOME by the way. We spent the weekend shopping, baking cakes, fixing her favorite meals, watching TV, buying her flowers and all things she likes. She was supposed to make me some curtains for the kitchen I cant find ANYthing I want to go in that window. We shopped for fabric....and found what we THINK might be perfect....but she left me holding the JoAnn's bag with the fabric still in place and neatly folded as it was when the lady that rang up my order. I have been inspired by JL to drag out the sewing machine and attempt it myself...keep in mind...I dont even know how to fix the bobbin....but what the heck.... SURELY I can hem some fabric and throw it up on the window....i'll take pictures if I can find time. And if it's too bad... my crafty daughter can fix it the next time she comes home.
Speaking of pictures.... Wormie was supposed to send me pictures of her new hair and some of her stuff she got for her birthday but still waiting for her to email me pictures. 2Shaye had her camera with her in Raleigh so I have found myself at a huge disadvantage of wanting to blog Wormie's birthday...but not having the tools for the trade.... Just a thought kids...maybe a INexpensive digital camera for my I can do this blogging in a respectable way. HINT HINT!
Anyways.... Wormie we hope you enjoyed your birthday weekend as much as we enjoyed spending it with you. We love you ....more than our words can express.
Dont be afraid to keep your nose THE example!
Happy Birthday Baby!
Wormie came home this past weekend to spend her birthday w/ her parents.... actually I know she was probably more excited about getting new hair....low lights with red streaks....looks AWESOME by the way. We spent the weekend shopping, baking cakes, fixing her favorite meals, watching TV, buying her flowers and all things she likes. She was supposed to make me some curtains for the kitchen I cant find ANYthing I want to go in that window. We shopped for fabric....and found what we THINK might be perfect....but she left me holding the JoAnn's bag with the fabric still in place and neatly folded as it was when the lady that rang up my order. I have been inspired by JL to drag out the sewing machine and attempt it myself...keep in mind...I dont even know how to fix the bobbin....but what the heck.... SURELY I can hem some fabric and throw it up on the window....i'll take pictures if I can find time. And if it's too bad... my crafty daughter can fix it the next time she comes home.
Speaking of pictures.... Wormie was supposed to send me pictures of her new hair and some of her stuff she got for her birthday but still waiting for her to email me pictures. 2Shaye had her camera with her in Raleigh so I have found myself at a huge disadvantage of wanting to blog Wormie's birthday...but not having the tools for the trade.... Just a thought kids...maybe a INexpensive digital camera for my I can do this blogging in a respectable way. HINT HINT!
Anyways.... Wormie we hope you enjoyed your birthday weekend as much as we enjoyed spending it with you. We love you ....more than our words can express.
Dont be afraid to keep your nose THE example!
Happy Birthday Baby!
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