Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Years Eve

New Year's Eve wasn't the most exciting time we've had but after an incredibly busy fall and holiday season, ringing in the New Year quietly was VERY welcomed. Typically we get together with friends or have our children close by to toast the beginning of the New Year. This year we found ourselves alone enjoying the quietness that will begin to prepare us for the empty nest. Please do not think this is depressing or sad.....because it was not. Big Daddy and I enjoy couch and TV time together. It isn't often we have the opportunity to discuss life's ever changing paths of our kids or work or what we would like to do IF we ever get to enjoy retirement ... so these quiet times are special. We tried to tune into the UNC basketball game but we found ourselves dozing in and out of conscientiousness as did the team Carolina was pelting on the court. However, we did gather ourselves together about 11:50...turned it to Dick Clark's Rocking New Year's Eve Party and watched the ball drop in Times Square (an awesome place to visit...just not in the crowds on New Year's Eve...we're too old now to find that anything BUT appealing) the traditional midnight kiss and I sent the kid's a txt msg to wishing them a Happy New Year altough I don't think Wormie had service to receive hers .....then waited for them to start filtering back in.

This year the Xbox Junkie went down the road to a big New Year's Eve party at a chickfriend's house. After the ball dropped in Times Square, the Xbox Junkie and his passel of guy friends were headed back here to do what most guys do.... Xbox, basketball with the outside speakers blaring with rap music, maybe some 8-ball, and Texas-style ping pong. So in a few hours, our quiet solitude would turn into very loud and rambunctious....and yes it IS comforting to hear all of these sounds as I know when they are here and loud....they're not out finding themselves in mischief....and that's a good thing!

2Shaye had a date planned so she was bustling around getting ready for a night out with Sam and the Graham Crakas (Sam's sister and brother-in-law......and her hosts when she travels to Raleigh to spend time with Sam). 2Shaye loves hanging with the Graham Crakas so she was excited to be bringing in the New Year with them. They were going to dinner and a movie. Not sure where they ended up eating but I think they went to see Marley and Me. After that, they linked up with Sam's parents at a friends house to ring in the New Year. They headed home shortly after midnight and offered to pick up the Xbox Junkie and his entourage from their party so they could begin 2009 with welts and bruises from Texas style ping pong. It is my understanding from hearing the Xbox Junkie reflect back on ping pong that evening.... that Sam was pretty nasty in ping pong and not many wanted to play him but the ones that were brave enough to take him on....sported souvenirs (aka as bruises) for several days. Guess that's a guy thing.....just not sure.

Wormie had been home several days with us and was finding the need to escape from her psycho-parents at any cost. One of her friend's was having a small get together so she went there to hang out, graze on snacks and maybe do Wii fit and other Wii games. Her boyfriend, (we'll call him 'Money-clip' to put him into the witness protection plan that was made famous by the FBI), stopped by to pick her up and off they went to begin their evening festivities. I do not know exactly what all they got into as she never offered any fun chit-chat about her evening. The Xbox Junkie's friends said that she rolled in about 3-4am-ish. The Xbox Junkie wouldn't offer any clues as to her landing time as he said he didn't see her or Money-Clip when she got home. He is a protective brother....just ask 2Shaye as he's always offering fashion advise. Since she is hanging on the edge of 21, we didn't monitor her comings and goings too closely on that particular evening....but being psycho-parents, we do keep a watch on her MOST of the time. It's part of the torture we expect her to inflict upon her children. She denies she will.....but we know it's just part of becoming a psycho-parent...and she will definitely fall into that's just in the genes.

Even though this was one of the quietest New Year's celebrations in a while .... Big Daddy is still the one that I want to bring in the New Year with....and yes I am selfish sometimes w/ his time so getting him home alone for a few hours always makes me crazy-happy...especially knowing the kids were happy being where and with whom they wanted to be with.

Happy 2009!

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