and ALWAYS.... a trip to the bottoms... This is a view of "The Bottoms' from my parents backyard ... let me TRY to explain....
It is small in size...just a few acres that has a small creek that borders one side and the Ararat River that borders another side.... This is one of my Dad's most favorite belong to him now but this land has grown gardens for 3 or 4 generations. This place also holds my (and my brothers) childhood secrets....This is where our summer breaks were spent.... Forts, swings on high banks, swings over the Ararat River, the praying rock, fishing for anything that would bite-mostly catfish and hornyhead, catching crawfish by the dozens, building high-tech dams in the creek, camping, fist fights, learning to drive in an old Rambler station wagon, my first (not so real) kiss, working our tail off tending the gardens that my parents planted (it's amazing how hot July was when working in the garden but not when building forts), watching my mom mow and tend to this land with the utmost care, motorcyle jumps, creek banks where you could find snakes hanging out and turtles everywhere, groundhog hunting, mosquito the size of small birds, our ponies (Ranger and Sugarfoot) lived here, the goat stables, my oldest brother getting stuck in the middle of the night trying to sneak in, watching the flood water reach up and completely submerge our bottoms then playing in the mudd when the waters would reside (only to have Dad tell us our feet would get nasty sores from running with barefeet in that nasty mudd but that never happened or stopped us), crossing the Ararat to sneak to the stockyard sales only to get our tails tore up for not letting anyone know where we had gone, remembering our grandpa tending the land and resting with him in the cool grass watching the clouds after he had been hoeing for hours in the garden, taking him a 'quart jar of water' for a nickle, picking up black walnuts with my mom, gun and bow target practice, a great place to slip and smoke, hide and seek, looking for UFOs, minibike and pony trails everywhere, zip line from my backyard, the rose garden where Grandpa picked flowers for Grandma EVERY day....we all knew that this little piece of land was where Grandpa solved worldly problems, prayed, fed his children, hid a few bottles of homebrew or blackberry wine in the creek....and the same went for my dad. It was in fact.... their sanctuary....their safe haven. There is an old building named "Pap's Project" that my grandpa built and I am sure it still contains some of his artifacts. The memories that happened on this little piece of land are too numerous to count (and I only scratched the surface and I can not even begin to imagine the mischief that my dad his eleven brothers and sisters got into as children on this same piece of dirt). So as you can see 'the bottoms' is priceless to my family. This is probably where my life was formed. My brothers and I always try to take a walk to the bottoms and reminisce when we're all is a place that doesnt get old to us. My kids nor Big Daddy can fully understand why this walk is so important for us and words can't fully explain it. Thank God there wasn't computers and Xbox games when we were growing up. It is this place.... 'the bottoms'.... that I call home and holds my fondest childhood memories. :)
Thanks for making my day special!
Love your pictures! Fine looking family you got there! I enjoyed seeing pictures from your mom's too. ahhhh - the bottoms! that looks like so much fun! :)
I not been on your blog in a while, but I'm glad I visited today. This is my favorite post yet.
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