I dont know how to describe our feelings....pictures say a thousand words!
We love you wormie.....keep on making those goals........and reaching them. What's next for you? Who knows....but I am can assure you it's gonna be fun watching to continue to grow!
INFOMERCIALS! Yes...you got it. She and big daddy love music and lyrics....so they could spend hours listening to the Time Life infomercials. She's been home a few hours...and we've already seen 2 of these infomercials. Woodstock collection and Rock Ballads. No wonder they can always win the the Name the Artist game in the car.
If I can get my hands on the remote...I will save myself from this madness!
Almost.....so close......to slamming it down! The goal rattled and your fans went wild. You rose above the rim from flat foot stance under the goal. Impressive. Made the paper with this pix tho!
Wormie had a visit from Mr. Bad Luck today. She's been a student at UNCC for 4.5 years....and on her last day of classes before she graduates....she get towed! $120.00 made payable to Mr. Bad Luck!
Big Daddy said she made out better than buying a parking permit since she only got towed once!
Xbox made me something in shop class for Halloween. I have just found it sitting in the garage because it was a tad unfinished. The moment I saw it ... I was in love!
Big Daddy even admired his work. Xbox had painted it Red (which worked out well since long past October). After a few minutes of pondering....we decided to put a Santa hat on it...and display it in our home along with all of our other beloved Christmas decorations. I had to display it...it was a belated gift from Xbox...and his first real work of art! It still needs a small hole drilled in the back to put in a strand of Christmas lights to make it complete....but I love him...just the way he is.
So I stuffed a Santa hat and sat it on top of my new obsession....but I thought it looked a tad mean for a Santa...so Big Daddy said .....It MUST be 'The official Simmons' Grinch'. He will be a permanent fixture in our house from Oct - Jan!
Thursday was Polar Express Day. One of my dearest friends (we are trying to get her to blog) and I have taken off one day a year to go shopping at the North Pole. We have done this run since our oldest littles were babies....and now our littlest littles are big but we still go. We took along another close friend. We set out for K-vegas. Many stores later...and lupper (lunch and supper) at Don Juan's...we finished our run... 11 hours later. Great times with great friends. I'll post a wordless Wednesday when I get these picture..promise. Realized after I was trying to download pictures of the day that my camera usb port as hosed...so I cant post picture unless I run my sim card to CVS (troubles).
Wormie came home late to begin wedding festivities for one of her closest friends. We really didn't really see her much that day. A job of a bridesmaid is very hard... but oh so worth it.
Friday was a full day at the Salt Mines. 2Shaye came home to visit an Open House held at the PA Program at Wake Forest University School of Medicine...aka as the Salt Mines. I picked her up at 5:15 and journeyed back to Shoals to get geared up for the Xbox Junkie's basketball game at 7pm They won a barn burner of a game...and he played awesome! Go Cards! Wormie was at the rehearsal and spending the night with the future Mrs. D. Sorry no pictures yet of the Xbox...but will get on that at the next few games.
Saturdaystarted out with a quick trip to Winston with 2Shaye to hit a salvage store or two for our Twice New Christmas theme this year. Xbox was supposed to have another game at 3 so our time was short. By the time we were finished (and had a name checked off the Christmas list) with the salvage store....it was snowing...and not just wind snowing...it was snowing.
We stopped for coffee at Krankie (very good by the way).
Got a call from the Xbox Junkie saying all games were cancelled. Asked him to meet us to shop...but he and Big Daddy went to the WFU basketball game instead. That gave us the afternoon free to shop. Hit the antique mall and checked off 4 more names off the Christmas list.
Still snowing. Hit Mega thrift and found a Friends game for 2Shaye. AC Moore stop to get a few things to adorn another twice new project 2Shaye was doing for her Bible Study friend. Still snowing. It turned out GREAT...hope she blogs it. Hit up the grocery store and Sam's Club for some banging ribbon (21" wide). Got home...grilled out steaks....and hung out w/ 2Shaye, the Xbox kid and several of his friends. Still snowing. Big Daddy stakes claim to the gift we had gotten my niece's boyfriend...so make that 3 names off the list instead of 4. And very unusal for Big Daddy but this was something he that had always caught his attention. It was a very old baseball glove...maybe from the 1920s. He can't quit messing with it. Still snowing. Wedding festivities begin for Wormie's friend. She and her friends get home late and we all sit up talking about the details of Casie's special day. Hectic things, precious things....wedding rings locked up in a safe and had to find ones to replace....the groom surprised the bride by singing to her but he does have the voice of an angel no doubt about it!
Sunday is here and for first time in more than 6 weeks....I have ONE day...where I REALLY have no place that I really HAVE to be...it's a great feeling and I now fully appreciates these days. We looked at the snow in the daylight 3 or 4 inches!
Fixed cinnamon rolls and coffee for 2Shaye before Sam came to get her for church. Then I fixed a huge breakfast for the Xbox and his troops and Wormie and her friends. Xbox's friends started leaving about 8:30 and filtered out all morning. By noon they were all gone and Xbox was in a vegetative state. Wormie and her friends were gone by 1:30ish....and 2Shaye left for Raleigh around 4ish. The house is all quiet again....Big daddy is doing laundry and I am thinking NAP ....Xbox playing Xbox. Why does the weekend come and go so fast... and why...as soon as I start to blog again...do I break my camera! UGH!