Upon arriving at Mammaw and Papa Ronnie's house we find that they have been busy and have nearly everything prepared. We decided to hang out in the kitchen and catch up on some long lost conversation and wait for my brothers and their families arrive.
Finally we are all together.....Mammaw and Papa, Teeter's gang plus Sam; Big Mark and his gang, Big Phil and his gang. After gorging ourselves on the Big Bird and all the trimmings (Its funny... no matter what is fixed or who fixes it....nothing ever compares to my mom's Thanksgiving lunch) we decided to take ALL the grandkids to Papa Ronnie's bottoms for MORE PHOTOS...again....Christmas presents are in the making and it's an important task. Everyone was in good spirits for pictures at the river and on the big rock...except the Xbox Junkie. He was ready to get back to his 'Call of Duty'....however after a few rounds of strong arming and bribery he obliged.
Later that evening....still feeling queezy from the massive bird intake at lunch we head to Big Daddy's side of the family. We are all in tow but have to stop by my our house to run in and grab the deviled eggs that I was asked to bring. Since Sam is a huge fan of deviled eggs (trying to be polite and hold back the gagging reflex was hard but he managed. His good manners was being displayed in the highest form) we let him carry the eggs in the car and into Mema and Papa Ted's house. We all gather with Mema and Papa Ted, Big Daddy's gang plus Sam, and Big Simm's (Big Daddy's brother) gang. Its funny how when having to gorge on 2 huge meals (3 for 2Shaye and Sam) you learn the hard way to only eat the most favorite food choices at either place to keep yourself from OD-ing on Thanksgiving Day.
Finally several hundred thousand calories later and being purely miserable ... it was time to go home and crawl onto the couch. It is times like these you only WISH could purge and restore your body to the pre-gorging early morning feeling. Black Friday shopping is on the horizon.
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